Saturday, March 22, 2014

Red Dragon Inn Cardgame Storage Box

I've been having a great time playing the awesome card game "Red Dragon Inn".  I dove straight in and have been collecting all the expansions too!  Unfortunately, there just wasn't a good way to keep it all together, so I took a little free time at work and drew something up!  (That my laser wife was nice enough to cut for me!)
 My wife surprised me by drawing up an awesome version of the game logo too!

The box holds all 4 expansion sets, and the 4 individual expansion characters that have been released so far.  The coin tray is removable, so that you don't have to keep the giant box on the table, and it covers the compartment that holds all the tokens and loose pieces.  Since it was hard to see all the decks once they were nestled in their slots, I made some "Character Select" cards to help remind people which decks were still available!